2018年5月26日 星期六

English Common Error 20181527 - insist


The porter insisted to help us with our baggage.

She insisted me on carrying her enormous suitcase.

We insisted that he wrote the letter.

The porter insisted on helping us with our baggage.

insist on +v-ing
insist on 後接帶 "-ing" 的動詞。

She insisted on me carrying her enormous suitcase.

insist on (someone('s) doing) something
insist on 除了後接 something 之外還可後接 someone doing something 或 someone's doing something

We insisted that he write the letter.

In the that-clause that follows such verbs as insist, decide, suggest, intend, suppose, etc., the predicate should be '(should)+infinitive WITHOUT to'.
在某些動詞,諸如 insist, decide, suggest, intend, suppose 等之後所接的 "that-從句" 中,其動詞部分應用 (should) 加原形動詞。注意:should 可省略。

2018年5月25日 星期五

English Common Error 20181525


As it was raining we decided to stay indoor.

Nowadays young people want to be independent from their parents.

The increase of crime is accelerating.

✔As it was raining we decided to stay indoors.

Indoor is an adjective (indoor 是形詞,只能修飾名詞,如): 'an indoor swimming pool', 'indoor games'.
Indoors in an adverb. (indoors 是副詞,可修飾動詞,如上句的 indoors 是修飾 to stay 的。)

✔Nowadays young people want to be independent of their parents.

independent of someone/something, NOT from
注意:independent of someone/something 中的 of 不可用 from 替代。

✔The increase in crime is accelerating.

an increase in something, NOT of
指"某事物的增長",用 an increase in something, 其中的 in 不可用 of 替代。

2018年5月24日 星期四

English Common Error 20181524


It is an honour to me to welcome you all to Norway.

Unemployment is a major problem in these days.

Brian often helps Elisa to do the houseworks.

✔It is an honour for me to welcome you all to Norway.

an honour for someone, NOT to
注意:an honour for someone 中的 for 不可用 to 替代。

✔Unemployment is a major problem these days.

'These days' is used WITHOUT in or any other preposition. Note however
(these days 前面不用 in 或任何其他判詞。但請注意): 'In those days cigarettes were much cheaper.' (在那年代,香煙便宜得很。)

✔Brian often helps Elisa to do the housework.

Housework is an uncountable nonu.
housework 是不可數名詞。

2018年5月23日 星期三

English Common Error 20181523


Traffic fumes are very harmful for our health.

If I drink coffee I get headache.

I hope this letter finds you in a good health.

✔Traffic fumes are very harmful to our health.

(be) harmful to something, NOT for
(be) harmful to something 中的 to 不可用 for 替代

✔If I drink coffee I get a headache.

Headache is a countable nonu.
headache 是可數名詞。

✔I hope this letter finds you in good health.

Health is an uncountable nonu.
health 是不可數名詞。

2018年5月22日 星期二

English Common Error 20181522

Are there any evidences that ghosts exist?

My mother never listens what I say.

He doesn't listen very well.

✔Is there any evidences that ghosts exist?

Evidence is uncountable nonu. Note also (evidence是不可數名詞。注意也用): 'a piece/pieces of evidence' (一項/幾項証據)

✔My mother never listens to what I say.

listen never takes a direct object, and one listens to someone/something.
注意:listen後面不能直接帶一賓語,只能說listen to someone或something.

✔He doesn't hear very well.

To hear is to take a sound with the ears, whether one wants to or not.
To listen is to hear with attention. One can listen carefully, but he may hear nothing.